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Posts posted by aquasync

  1. I really doubt its just a matter of reordering the p roms. If it were, it would be more likely that the DRIVER_INIT section would normalize them, and then have no other special code.

    This, of course, isn't the case at all. Rather, it has this fairly complicated write handling function, which is where all the work is done. It uses a table, which is never initialised, and writes + reads from it, and even writes to the p roms (...memory_region(REGION_CPU1)... = kof2003_tbl...).

    I've been planning to look into this more closely, for instance to see how often the first if is satisfied in the write_handler, and whether the kof2003_tbl reaches some rest state by the end (in which case we can dump it and fix the proms with it).

    However, what my point is, I don't think these roms were 'cooked'. It just seems a little overcomplicated (it might turn out simpler than i think though) - maybe this is just part of how SNK encrypted the p roms.

  2. I thought it might already have been done, but hadn't really bothered checking. It only decrypts & encrypts c roms (and s of course).

    I could do p roms, but they're fairly simple, and seem to be done in a different way each time so it wouldn't be very useful, and redownloading p roms isn't really a bother anyway.

  3. I'm on 56k, so I usually download decrypted neogeo roms, and up till recently always used neoragex anyway. Recently though, I was trying to get all my roms mameable, and it seemed preposterous to be downloading games I already had (for instance mame support mslug3, but not mslug3nd). I wrote my own drivers initially, but have since wrote a program that can encrypt decrypted roms.

    I'm not sure if such a util already existed, but I find it very useful. I have tested it on:

    - mslug5nd

    - kof2002nd

    - kof2000nd

    - kof2001nd

    - mslug3nd


    If anyones interested I can upload it...




    Off my own topic :(, this is my first post here, although I've been lurking here for a little while now :). Just wanted to say I really like the site!, its got a much more cheerful vibe than so many l33t emu boards.

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