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Posts posted by cody56

  1. I've seen the previews and what I got out of it is like 3 people are trying to stay alive. Am I right?


    It seems as though New York is being attacked by something, the military gets involved, and the characters are video taping everything via digital camera.

    That's what I got out of the preview at least, there's nothing online about it so far.

    Well I found a page for Cloverfield on Wikipedia and it looks like it's about 5 people and they're trying not to get killed by the monster. And yes, taken from the viewpoint of the video camera

  2. Usually the creepy level is determined by the following equation:

    your age divided by two plus seven

    Ok so you're saying I can go out with girls 15 and older then?


    Depends on whether or not dating someone of that age is against the law. According to the equation I could date someone that's 17.5, but usually I round it up so 17 becomes 18.

    How old are you?

    18. Wait...that would be 16.

    ......Nobody saw the first answer.

  3. I've really stopped eating at McDonalds so much. I've moved to things like Burger King.


    And wait, think about this. The chicken is like killed, processed, shipped (and should be checked a few times along the way), unloaded, and finally cooked. I've worked at McD's before and those nuggets come in medium-sized bags so I think someone SHOULD have seen the head somewhere in this process.

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