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  1. broz

    Pixel Tester

    I found the app i was talking about in the previous post, it isnt mine, someone named "cory1492" made it. I uploaded it to my site: http://broz.no-ip.info/pub/pixelFixerv2.zip
  2. broz

    Pixel Tester

    nope. Dead pixels have no fix. For stuck pixels (like yours) once ive read that there are some programs to "massage" those pixels (weird :/) and that u leave it running for a few hours and hopefully the pixel gets fixed. It sound like magic, I dont know wether its true or not and if it exists and works for a ds. the idea of this app is to provide a quick test to found bad pixels and if you can change the console.
  3. Hi, i've made a __simple__ homebrew to check for dead/stuck pixels in your ds/dsl . Basically it displays different colors in both screens, you can change between white/red/green/blue to search for a bad pixel, it will appear as a black dot. The first screen is in spanish, it says to press START to begin the test, once there you can change the colors with A,B,X,Y i hope u find it usefull. url to the file: http://broz.no-ip.info/pub/pixel_tester.nds cheers
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