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Posts posted by BlackKnight

  1. German website 4players.de has reviewed the final build of Alone in the Dark. They rate it 68/100 on the Xbox 360, and less on the PS2 and Wii. This comes as a shame to me, since I was really hoping this one would turn out halfway-decent.


    The link to the review is at the bottom but have a gander at these Pros and Cons first;



    Impressive active combat system

    Relatively open game world

    Authentic use of fire

    Atmospheric Central Park

    Well-staged sequences driving

    Nice skill deposits

    Good Interaction with objects

    Good particle effects (360)

    DVD-Player Chapter features are good for new players and the frustrated (Only on 360, PC)



    Story? Amnesia again ...

    No thrills, especially for a horror game.

    Poor dramatic direction and cinematography

    Worst supporting female character in the history of the series

    Annoying trial and error sequences

    Too easy to burn monsters

    Too much goofy slang

    Over the top orchestral and choir interruptions

    Problems with motion detection (Wii)

    Nasty clipping and screen tearing (360)

    Imagery on the cover is very misleading (360)

    Faces and animation are extremely bad

    No DVD-Player features (Wii, PS2)

    Muddy textures

    Only a few monster types

    Most of the story is conveyed through text (letters, reports etc.)

    I did my best to clean up those translations but check this translation of the review in full;



    Source: http://translate.google.com.au/translate?u...en&ie=UTF-8

  2. Sony has released a new major version of the official System Software for the PlayStation Portable. The impressive list of changes includes;


    * [internet Search] has been added as a feature under [Network].


    * You can now change viewing speed during video playback by pressing the UP/DOWN buttons. Use this feature if you want to watch a video quickly, or if you want to slow down playback and listen to the dialogue carefully.

    I'm with you on the 'who cares' part. Not many new features for a big 4.00 update, but the XMB Google Search could be useful. Let's all wait for a 4.00 M33 before upgrading though. That's my advice to the kiddies at least.




  3. Like almost every other being on this planet with functional eyes and opposable thumbs, I've spent the last month playing Grand Theft Auto IV and neglecting my loved ones.


    I've only just now gotten beyond the novelty factor of Liberty City enough to honestly consider the game itself, and I have reluctantly come to this conclusion:


    It is crap.


    It's repetitive, poorly implemented, riddled with design flaws, awkward, and above all, glitchy. Yet I understand every word of gushing praise. Everything the reviewers say about the city and its scale is absolutely true.


    It's the little things that do it to you: Like how the fast food workers at the various restaurants actually have different duties. They come out from behind the counter and clean the tables. They sweep the sidewalks out front and wash the windows. Cars actually break down--even when they're not yours. I've driven by several random civilians causing massive traffic jams, standing in front of their overheated vehicles completely befuddled. This city is the closest gaming has ever come to a real place, a real New York. The flyers, the newspaper stands, and the grime--all of these aspects pile up to make a truly living, breathing environment.


    It is indeed one of the single most impressive achievements in gaming ... so it's just too bad that Rockstar layered an irreparably flawed game on top of it.


    It shouldn't surprise anyone. The actual gameplay in Grand Theft Auto IV is nearly identical to every GTA before it, and gameplay has never been their strong suit. They've added and tweaked, to be sure, but it's almost universally for the worse. Or maybe the flaws just stand out more this time because of how great it could have been. In any case, here are the five most infuriating...


    Click to read full article.

    Needless to say I agree with every word of this guy's criticism. Read the full article and see what you think.



    Source: http://www.cracked.com/article_16404_5-rea...-ever-made.html

  4. Unreal Tournament III is coming out for the 360 on July 3. I'm curious as to who is getting it and who will be playing on Live?


    There are 3 reasons why UT3 on the PC isn't that great. 1) I don't have the hardware for it, 2) there are bugs all voer the place that still haven't been patched for more than 6 months, and 3) hardly anyone is playing it online, let alone people on Australian / Oceanic servers. So yeh my CE game and key are gathering dust as we speak.


    I am going to pick it up for the 360 in any case, and am wondering if anyone feels the same way and also what they think the Live community for this game will be like?


    PS on the mods front, mods can be submitted to Epic to cook for the 360, and they plan on releasing them each month on the Live Game Store. Epic will also only be charging for any DLC they create, while mod community releases will remain free.

  5. Got out my PS2 again thanks to that Free MC Boot thing and decided to catch up on a lot of stuff I've been neglecting... shelving my 360 until Alone in the Dark comes out. I plan on playing (in no particular order)...



    Disgaea 1

    Fatal Frame 1

    Guilty Gear XX ^Core+

    Namco X Capcom (English Hack v2)

    Persona 3 FES

    Silent Hill Origins

    Soul Nomad

    Warriors Orochi


    ...and I'll be picking up Sengoku Basara X on the 26th. The SW series has got me familiar with the characters so I figure why not try it out. Might try Arcana Heart too if I feel masochistic.


    ...and all this alongside replaying MGS2 and MGS3 again. If I get really tired of things I might even try finishing the original Metal Gears on the Persistence disc...

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