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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/2020 in Posts

  1. No idea about your scaling option, normally it's done at the video driver level and is totally transparent for the applications, I didn't do anything for that anyway. But there were quite a few changes related to the scaling in windowed mode in 0.90, it might be the cause. It seems you were hit hard by the cps2 bug of last night, it was specific to the 64 bits build though. For your impossibility to load mvsc, don't know what you did, I just loaded it in the windows version to be sure, no problem. Remember there can be an infinity of roms folders for raine though, even if the 1st one is the default roms in its directory. You might want to try the command line -rc mvsc so that it tells you what is wrong with your mvsc (do that in a terminal or you won't see anything). (or -rcf ) Ok, added 2020, it gives me an excuse to call this one 0.90.5, even if the fix inside is really for the 64 bits version and specific to cps2. Anyway build updated, 0.90.5 released !
    2 points
  2. The topic where I had posted the last binaries disappeared, and it took me a while to notice... I thought about uploading it to the usual place these days, but I hadn't noticed the topic even disappeared ! So here is directly raine 0.90.2, probably the ultimate version, I guess a 1.0 version would use sdl2, but there are tons of things to rewrite, it could be done quicker by writing something less efficient but it's not the way of raine, so it will probably never happen, at least not any time soon. The link is as usual there for the download page : http://raine.1emulation.com/download/latest.html For those who missed it, the huge change in 0.90 explaining the huge jump in version numbers is finally the availability of a pure C version, which can then be compiled in 64 bits and which is totally portable to anything then, that's the big problem with asm, portability. Except that the other big thing is that raine knows how to find some roms on internet (from the internet archives for those which are officially hosted there). All the neogeo roms are available. From a fresh install with an empty rom directory, this version is able to download any neogeo game + its bios if required. I had to reinstall my cross compiler to create these binaries, so I created a topic on the subject in case it's useful to anyone who would want to do the same, and so that I don't forget if I have to do this again one day... the advantage is that last time I had only a 64 bits compiler for windows, this time the 32 bits version is back too, so you get 2 versions at the same time, normally there shouldn't be a noticeable difference between the 2, but inside they are totally different, a ton of asm code for the 32 bits one, and only C and C++ for the 64 bits one. Ah also if you ever want to use some japenese character in the gui, you need to change the default font to something containing japenese characters, there is a separate topic for that in the forum, I can't provide such a font because most of them are not free, and they are huge compared to the Vera font ! + it's easy to replace, most of the fonts in the default windows fonts directory should work. I also uploaded a version of the history.dat file in the extras section with the names fixed for raine where I found any problem, also it's much smaller than the official file, just install it in the raine directory if you are interested, and then you get info from the About section when a game is loaded. There are also quite a few fixes as usual in this 0.90 branch, I won't describe everything here, go see the git log if you are interested... It should be the last raine version normally, unless we get 6 months of confinement and I get really too bored ! edit 2 : and re-uploaded the 2 binaries because I forgot the locale directory inside !
    1 point
  3. Argh, sorry for the version error, I edited the makefile too late, but that's the only change from the binary posted, the version number, my bad, too many things at the same time... I think I'll re-upload a binary for that with the right version number later, just so that things are cleaner. For the changes from 11/20/2019, well it was a 64 bit version only 1st, for the rest, there ae quite a few changes, I was tempted to send you to the git log, but I agree that the default version in github is a little terse, you need to click on the commits to get the details and it's not super convenient, so here is the current log until november 20th... Yeah I add missed a few bioses, not sure all of them are useful for an emu though, the 3.2 had only changes useful for the real hardware compared to the 3.1, but I hadn't time to look at the changes in detail... I added them anyway... ok I am good to reupload something then, at least it goes much faster than before, thanks for the post then ! edit : it's done, called the new upload 0.90.3 even if the only change is just the new bioses, just to make sure you have the new one. log.txt
    1 point
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