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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/16/2023 in Posts

  1. For the crash it was a stupid mistake, it happened only if the empty dir was not the 1st of the list ! And in my test it was, of course... ! Anyway fixed in git and for next time ! (it's a 1 line fix... !). And by the way, I didn't know some people still had some windows8 around, one of the most hated windows version ever, with windows me (millenium but it's rather old now). The part about spying the user to get ad money was added in win8, but is more and more present now, luckily there are tools to block all of this... !
    1 point
  2. It's actually rather long... ! I don't have the crash here, maybe some craziness from windows which escaped me ? I'll test this again to be sure. edit : don't have the crash at all, even in wine : empty ips directory -> messagebox to tell the dir is empty, empty dir inside ips directory -> just displays the .. dir to return 1 level higher, tested in wine, same thing. Very good diagnosis indeed, it's related to the recent optimization of the scanline counter for aodk and some other games, apparently there can't be any optimization here because this unibios just uses it to count the frames !!! (it's a very unefficient way to count frames, the best way is just to add a counter in the vbl irq, if they had done that there would be no bug). Anyway, I'll revert to some more classical code here then, there was a game which produced a black screen because of this recently, do you remember which one it was, I didn't write which one it was and since I change this again, it would be better to double check. (aodk already checked and ok) Yeah you can't use game options here since it's not available until a game is loaded, but I don't like the idea to add lines in the header of the game selection dialog, there are already quite a few and I don't want a crowd here. Maybe simply as a line on top of the "preload ips dat file", a kind of "ips patches enabled globally" with a checkbox. I'll think about it. edit : done, not with a checkbox finally because they are not really convenient in the gui right now, so a classical menu with enabled/disabled displayed in text, it's easier. Setting saved in config file so it stays if you quit the emu, and is taken into account if you load a game from the command line. You're in luck because I have a similar problem here, I have a pad which tries to be clever and to autodetect what it's plugged to and then change its layout based on what it detects. It worked well until recently and was detected as an xbox pad on pc, but with linux kernel 6 it started to detect it as a nintendo console ! There are ways around that : stick to a 5.x kernel, that's what I did 1st for about 1 year, but now the old kernel is not available anymore in arch and so I can't do that anymore. So I can experiment this button swap 1st hand ! I'd suggest using the controller mapping function instead, there is only a catch there : it doesn't change anything for the gui, you still have A & B inverted there, I'll change the gui to use the normal mapping then... ! edit : actually I had a weird problem here, normally raine creates a userdb2.txt file in the config directory and then renames it in the end to userdb.txt but mine was not renamed for some reason, so actually the new mapping didn't work at all. I added an error message in case the renaming fails, but when I redid the mapping, it worked flawlessly, no error message, and the new mapping works everywhere, gui and games, so the buttons are once again in the "right" order. Oh well... at least it works, once the right userdb.txt file is created you don't need to touch this ever again anyway.
    1 point
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