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Madi's Blog

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Tough As John Jacobs.

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Christmas shopping.

Needless to say, everyone got cds.and whats up with FYE they completly suck when it comes to prices. I went to best buy and got some decent deals.   ah well atleast my christmas shopping is done. aside from a few starbucks gift cards



Whores with halos, wishing for wings.

Hmm well its been quite awhile since ive been here. I ve been gone for like 9 months or so :S The blogs are pretty damn cool if i have to say. Theres a bunch of stuff ive been up to and ive only had till now to come back and visit for a bit. During my absense theres been alot of change. I no longer play video games 24-7.......much less can i stay entertained with one for muhc more than 30 min. (Yes, i can no longer play Halo for more than 10 min at a time without being bored.) Safe to say the o



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