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Posts posted by flagon

  1. Great work :(


    Nice idea to use servo's to physically push the buttons, when you simply could have opened the xbox-controller to close the contact on the controller-board :P


    Already did that.. I considered that cheating.. so thats why i did this..


    Sorry for multigigabyte images that follow.. i dont feel like resizing,,,







    Apparently this doesnt take html, and I cant figure out how to resize images using the IMG tag...

    EDIT (By GameCop): fixed it

  2. Nice idea, lots of wires!  Seriously, it's obvious you put a lot of thought into it. How quickly does it respond?



    It was really fast, then I did something and everything broke.. I am currently at 250ms.. which is way slow.. I know it can go faster because I had it under 100ms (which is all is needed i think), but for some reason I cant get it that fast any more.. I have to figure out what i broke..

  3. I dont think so, however you could make one that controls your Media Center PC through the DS.


    Remember that in order to have the DS connect to anything, you need THAT thing to be able to run some sort of "client" or "server" package. In this case, X360 hasnt been able to get homebrew running, so its a no-no for now...


    If you want to control xbmc on the xbox (the homebrew one) its easy..Theres a web interface to it.. I made one in.net..with the new wifi lib it should be easy to make a client for the ds...


    source for my.net app is on my website if your interested.. www.wagonbutterworth.com..


    I think someone also did one for the psp (maybe.. i am not sure tho)...

  4. Thanks for posting it.. The site you linked to had some comments.. Not sure what that site is, so I'll respond here..


    The screenshots are of the 2 playing each other...This was meant to be done to show how easy it is to make games multiplayer across platforms.. I meant for the code to be a lot cleaner to show only a few changes are really needed, but as I procrastinated, I had to just hack something together...


    The psp code is at:


    psp code


    The psp stuff should be better.. You can actually configure if you are the client or server and what ip address to go to..


    The DS one you are always the client, and your ip is hardcoded.. not hard to add a menu to fix that, but i just dont got the time...


    Oh and another thing.. this is really thrown together.. it uses udp, with no error checking.. so if you drop a packet, you are forced to execute the ROHPP macro (reach out hand pull plug)

  5. HI


    I just somewhat finished my first DS app. Thanks to El_Hobito's PA_Lib Wifi Setup App, I was able to quickly code something up..


    I had to do this for a school project, and I got enough done for that.. The code is really messy, and all IPs are hardcoded.. I am not sure when or if I'll actually finish it, but it does work..


    So you can check it out, and play tic tac toe using WIFI. On my site I also posted the PSP code too, so you can play a game against someone with a psp!


    screenshot4mo.th.png ndspsp5gv.th.jpg


    »» ds tictactoe (homepage)

  6. Hi.. I am having issues linking in the library.. The Arm7 builds ok, but the arm 9 doesnt. Below is the output of make... It dies with all these undefined reference to C:\DS\projects... My path is not setup that way. I changed the makefile, and the only reference I can find in my computer to C:\DS\projects is in the.lib files themselves(I ran a grep over everything)... I think i am missing something pretty basic, but I have been staring at this for a while..


    So if anyone has any suggestions, please send them my way!


    Good work on the wifilib.. Looks like it will be great if I can use it!




    arm-elf-g++ -g -Wall -O2 -mcpu=arm7tdmi -mtune=arm7tdmi -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -mthumb-interwork -I/c/devkitPro/libnds/include -I/c/devkitPro/wifi_lib

    /include -DARM7 -c arm7_main.cpp -oarm7_main.o


    arm-elf-g++ -g -mthumb-interwork -mno-fpu -specs=ds_arm7.specs arm7_main.o /c/devkitpro/wifi_lib/lib/dswifi7.lib -L/c/devkitPro/libnds/lib -lnds7 -oarm7.elf

    arm-elf-objcopy -O binary arm7.elf arm7.bin

    arm-elf-g++ -g -Wall -O2 -mcpu=arm9tdmi -mtune=arm9tdmi -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -mthumb-interwork -I/c/devkitPro/libnds/include -I/c/devkitPro/wifi_lib/include -DARM9 -c arm9_main.cpp -oarm9_main.o




    arm-elf-g++ -g -mthumb-interwork -mno-fpu -specs=ds_arm9.specs arm9_main.o /c/devkitpro/wifi_lib/lib/dswifi9.lib -L/c/devkitPro/libnds/lib -lnds9 -o arm9.elf

    c:/devkitpro/wifi_lib/lib/dswifi9.lib(sgIP_memblock.o): In function `sgIP_memblock_Init':

    c:/DS/projects/wifi_lib/arm9/source/sgIP_memblock.c:60: undefined reference to `sgIP_malloc'

    c:/devkitpro/wifi_lib/lib/dswifi9.lib(wifi_arm9.o): In function `ethhdr_print':

    c:/DS/projects/wifi_lib/arm9/source/wifi_arm9.c:93: undefined reference to `sgIP_dbgprint'

    c:/devkitpro/wifi_lib/lib/dswifi9.lib(wifi_arm9.o): In function `Wifi_TransmitFunction':

    c:/DS/projects/wifi_lib/arm9/source/wifi_arm9.c:302: undefined reference to `sgIP_dbgprint'


    lots more undefined references follow...

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