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Posts posted by RobM

  1. A quick update about v0.3: RSS is as good as done now, and as it only takes about 2mb ram on the PC for DSRemote to parse and display a RSS feed and its pages (without cache, that is) I think in the future a RSS reader on the DS is certainly possible as well, and I will be focusing on that when TCP is done - for now a server that parses the feed for you is much more faster then parsing the whole feed through the DS's processor.

    I will keep you informed :devilboy:.

    Great idea! I would love to have RSS on my DS! Can't wait!

  2. Alright, Just made sure I ahd it all set up to non-auto settings and input all the fun stuff, tested it out, and it worked fine in the actual WIFi testing. 


    I then goto the wifichat.nds app, select "no" to wanting to use the wifitransfer settings, since Imassuminjg that means it'll use the WIFi firmware ones. I connect to dschat.kicks-ass-org, and....Host not found, please enter IP address...hmmm


    What am I getting wrong? I can see you guys are chatting it up though, by visiting the address in firefox :)


    edit: if its any help, after retrying agai when it asks me to, it says "logging in @"



    Same issue... except I can't even see dschat.kicks-ass.org

  3. I'm trying to run it, but it's stuck on the waiting screen. YES i've read the readme. I am 100% sure all my settings are correct, because i used the same settings that work on all my other programs.


    Hi, same here! I can't get past the waiting screen, and the server says it cannot bind to the port (wich is free), I don't even get the firewall popup as normally. Is there some library file missing on the distribution?



    I was just myself starting to work on a thing like this, but I guess there is already many people working on it now...


    Just one idea: why not try to load and save the settings to the CF using the simple readconfig and writeconfig that are in my WiFi transfer program?


    You can find the source code on the website http://bafio.drunkencoders.org


    It's far from perfect, but allows to avoid entering the detail each time... Plus it could be kind of a standard until we get the settings from the lib :roll1:



    Some of us use a FlashCart, not that. :clapping:

  4. Damn, not again, that's the second time this week, costs me a lot of them phoenix down's...


    Umm... you get revived for free automatically.



    Server side:

    "/run cmd" Opens a command prompt; "/run C:\example.exe" Opens example.exe, and ect...


    DS Side:

    Custom client with save config feature, and looks something like this:



  5. Looking good.


    Everything working smoothly.


    One more suggestion, have /run cmd or /run w/e act as a normal run command as you would via Start -> Run. It also be nice to see iTunes support. :P

  6. Here's a Windows Media Player 10 setup I came up with:

    DS2Key.exe 192.168.x.xx 9501 33 48 28 66 29 42 25 56 48 33 67 68


    Since I can't do two buttons at once (CTRL+P as one DS button) some are combos.


    LEFT: Volume Down

    RIGHT: Volume Up


    Y: Mute


    Now for the combos:


    L + START: Play/Pause

    L + UP: Previous Playlist Item (Or L + B)

    L + DOWN: Next Playlist Item (Or L + A)

    L + R + B: Rewind (Or L + R + UP)

    L + R + A: Fast Forward (Or L + R + DOWN)


    SELECT + X: Fullscreen (or back out if already in it)


    Works swell for me. If anyone knows how to combo keycodes (like CTRL + X in a single DS button) let me know.

    iTunes > WMP :P

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