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Posts posted by phantompower

  1. As for Nebula Loader ( and Loaders in general), you don't need to worry about CRCs. You can put whatever CRCs and filenames into the DAT and Nebula Loader will try to load the files (NeoRAGEx works in a very similar fashion).


    OK...I hate to be a pest...but running Nebula 2.24 with Nebula Loader 2.24 - I am having to pay attention to the CRCs. I get messages that say "found xxxxxxxx, looking for yyyyyyyyyy"


    What am I doing wrong.

  2. but as for all of the text in the "CODE" section of those entries...is that just a straight copy and paste into the neogeo.c file or do I need to break up that data into the correct section...


    ...and if into the correct section, I am unsure where some of it goes - the ROMSTART/ROMEND stuff and the GAMEB stuff is simple enough...


    ...it is the rest of the stuff that confused me.


    My hope is it is a straight copy and paste per game right to the end of the neogeo.c file.


    Thanks for your assistance again!!

  3. Wow...two started threads in one day...


    Anyway, I also asked this of James via PM but thought someone here might also have an answer and could keep from me piling on to one person.


    This is probably a silly question/situation, but here it goes:


    Last night I attempted to compile MAME for the purpose of adding functionality in MAME to play these new NeoGeo games (SvC, mslug4/5, SS5, etc.


    While the driver information that is listed on the forums in the pinned topic here is great, it seems to be missing somthing.


    I see the change needed for the machine/driver.c file. (I assume that's for overall protection)


    But this is where things get a little sketchy.


    The sections for each game are titled "CODE" and have all of the code necessary to add to the neogeo.c file. My first issue is the information in the post is all jumbled together where the neogeo.c file is structured in sections. Is it OK for me just copy and paste and disregard the sections? If not - then I have no idea how to break out any information there other than the ROMSTART & ROMEND and put the GAMEB section at the end. The rest of the code that exists for some of the games has me lost.


    Finally, I noticed there is a listing in the driver.c file that has each game, and sometimes the rom number, but the information in the past does not list what to put in the driver.c file. I could probably figure out what to type here, but don't want syntax problems if I can avoid them.


    Again - any assistance would be much appreciated. I think the answer to my emulation issue is trying route everything through MAME...but not sure.

  4. Very cool. I will give it a try and report back here incase others are curious as well.


    I only asked about the DAT because I wasn't sure if the DATs were specific to the emulator or specific to a game type. If specific to an emulator (as the MAME DATs usually are) then I fear it won't cover the roms not released in each of the openly available emulators.


    Again, I will try it out this evening and also use the great site you referenced above to try to reduce the amount of work necessary to get these games to work in my arcade cabinet.


    On a side note, here is a link to my arcade cabinet.




    Be sure to check out my MameStation I and my current cabinet, MameStation II.


    Thanks again

  5. Fantastic assistance so far. A couple questions from what I have just read:


    Is there any DAT that someone can recommend for ROMCENTER to check the files I have? I think having this file would answer a HUGE question for me which is which versions are considered the most accurate.


    Thanks again. Sorry for the questions - but this is the best help I have had on this subject, in the past couple years.

  6. Thanks Agozer,


    So regarding the different versions of sets, I am aware of 4:


    * Original Set

    * Encrypted Set

    * Decrypted Set

    * Prototype Set


    My preference is to be as true to form as possible. Size and CPU speed is not so much an issue. With that said, first - have I correctly listed the categories above, second, is there one type I should focus on given my preference, and third, is there any discerable different between one set and another in the end when playing through?


    Thanks again for the help.



  7. Hi all,


    Been lurking here for some time and have searched desparately for some information that I cannot find for the life of me.


    The biggest issue I have is trying to get the new, unlisted, games that I have working in any of the emulators. Now, this is not to say that I don't understand how to do it, but I have several of these files on my computer with all of the right names but I often find that they lack something:


    * missing bin or rom files

    * incorrect CRC


    In addition to that, speaking specifically about the DATs for Nebula, there are sometimes multiple versions on this site of the DAT that should be used for each game. That to me makes this question and issue so much greater...and that is How do I know which version of the files I have are correct and how do I audit them outside of attempting to launch each one individually?


    Last night, I must have worked for about an hour on samsho5 and finally got it to work with NebulaLoader 2.24, but it took an act of God (and some luck).


    I have many more that I still need to work out, such as mslug5, svc(all), etc.


    I am really wanted to avoid another 90-minute effort per game again tonight.


    Also, for the record, I have a large number of patches downloaded that I can apply when needed which help me to resolve the issues with CRCs, but again, I am trying to know where my issues are ahead of time and know which DATs I should be using.


    I know there is probably not an easy answer, but any help would be greatly appreciated.



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