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Posts posted by gfrommy

  1. I could see it happening. But I dont know when. Only true hardcore gamers dont buy bad games. I know a ton of my friends that buy shity games on a reguar basis, and even more that buy every year of the exact some sports game. I just dont understand it. It goes kind of with my theroy of movies, if you dont got see bad movies they will stop making them. If you dont buy bad games they will stop making them. Thats why I have only got a few games in my life with out playing them first. I dont know I am ranting. Ill end this right...... NOW.

  2. Look around in your download manager, see if you can turn off multi stream downloading. You should be able to still use the program to manage your downloads, but it will just download at regular speed. Or change your download manager to one that will do it automaticly.

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