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Samurai Sam

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Posts posted by Samurai Sam

  1. I have a Killer Instinct rom that works on my laptop's MAME emulator, and I tried putting it on Coinops Inferno without success. I followed the instructions in the readme and it does not work for me. Could it be that I haven't put kinst.chd in the right directory? I tried a few different ones and none of them worked.

  2. also theres an option in it for slow loading hdd speed up.... :P as it was reported for a while...and I fixed it...but it has to be enabled and removes a few tracking features


    Can you explain to me in detail how to do this? I have Coinops Inferno and I don't see the option. And what are "tracking features"?

  3. Hi everyone,


    I have recently hacked my Xbox and I'm putting emulators on it. I've found SNES, GBA, Genesis, & N64 emulators that work beautifully. However...I have little luck when it comes to MAME emulators. I've tried many emulators, including several variations of Coinops and Mameox, and all of them either work poorly or not at all. I finally found one that seemed to work great for me: Mamedox. It seemed to work flawlessly at first, but then all of a sudden it started taking forever to load games. Just a minute ago, it took two whole minutes just to load Ms. Pac-Man. I tried deleting it off my Xbox and putting it back on the way it was originally, and it had the same problem. Is there any way to make it load faster? Why am I having so much trouble finding a decent MAME emulator?

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