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Posts posted by DrDepravity

  1. Thanks for the info. That was why it wasn't working.


    Er, it was the Japanese version of Decap Attack, called Magical Hat no Buttobi Tabo! Daibōken or Magical Flying Hat Turbo Adventure. Sega of America ruined that game! :)


    I've basically set up an Xbox with EPIC as a gift for a friend (going to do my own too) who has fond memories of the game. I'm more than happy with the library, which does cover every game I used to play or remember, except just that one.

  2. I feel a bit of a fool for having to ask this basic question, but how exactly do you add your own ROMs to the library?! I've tried every way I can think of; putting them into the relevant existing folder, creating a new directory and pointing CoinOPs at that and rescanning my ROMs... It never shows up.


    It's just a Megadrive game that I'm trying to add - I *think* I've followed the available advice and naming convention, but there's just got to be some elementary mistake I'm making here. I assure you that I never normally have problems with stuff like this! :)

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