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Posts posted by iamjack

  1. heh, I wish.


    After winning for 20 straight wins (10 from me), she leave with her bf, probably going somewhere to have sex.

    THe biatch :ph34r: I will go tonight to see whether she is there or not to challenge her again. I'll try with Hugo this time.


    Boy, ain't that a metaphor for damaged masculinity. "Damn female, how dare she, and with ELENA, too. I know, I'm gonna use big, bad hairy HUGO." :P Don't do it, dude. Yer just gonna get owned again for using freakin awkward characters. Just learn to use Ryu and Ken like everyone else.

  2. i'm sorry i didn't make something clear.


    1-i didn't PLAY the game myself, but i watched my friend playing it for over 30 hours (including the sephiroth battle).

    that was after the storyline was already ruined for me.


    2- i did experience it properly, going through cd1 of the game and still not thinking it's the best thing ever, means i've experienced it enough to judge it.

    or do you hafta play through a whole game you dislike just to prove you dislike it?


    3- i saw and watched teh battle with sephiroth, i did NOT like the music.


    4- these are MY opinions.


    Again, these problems are all symptomatic of ruined context, the element of the "first person" being key. Watching someone play a game is like watching someone read a book. You should kick your friend's ass for wasting this game for you.

  3. Wtf? Are you simple or are you just desparate to sling sh!t?


    News flash: It'll never happen in a million years. It's like the federal ban on gay marraige. People talk like it has a chance in hell of being passed. But omg, indicting Texas over one guy's comments, that's as ignorant as the people who try to back this crap.


    K'dash, screw yourself. I don't even live in Texas but that's not cool.

    No one cares what you think. So stop it.


    As witty a response as "you're reffering to yourself" only in this case I'd be right to say it.

  4. no, cause i honestly believe anything after ff6 is horribly overrated, the games are great graphics and a decent story.

    NOT a great story.

    how many better rpg's were overlooked for ff7's "awesome graphics" and "revolutionary gameplay"

    yeah... my ass.


    Your ass indeed. Wtf, I thought you never experienced it properly. You can't knock it if you have no sense of context.


    besides, chanting the name of the enemy isn't exactly the best thing to make you want to kill him, in fact it's kinda demoraling.


    Further proof you're out of the loop. Where'd you get your info on that one?


    And also for the record, I had that first part spoiled for me too and the game was still the best.

  5. Wtf? Are you simple or are you just desparate to sling sh!t?


    News flash: It'll never happen in a million years. It's like the federal ban on gay marraige. People talk like it has a chance in hell of being passed. But omg, indicting Texas over one guy's comments, that's as ignorant as the people who try to back this crap.


    K'dash, screw yourself. I don't even live in Texas but that's not cool.

  6. Final Fantasy VII (Doh, of course one has to mention it)


    Standard boss fight - 'Still More Fighting'

    The fight against Jenova's phases - 'J-E-N-O-V-A'

    The fight against Jenova Absolute

    The fights against the final forms of Sephiroth - 'The Birth of God' and 'One-Winged Angel'



    Yeah, and Elazul, don't think that I don't know that you left it off of yer list in order to come off as avant-garde. It may be conventional wisdom, but there's nothing on that list of yours that says "climactic motivation" more then One-Winged Angel.


    Chrono Chross


    that track while you're fighting in that tower (yes i know i'm being very vague but i personally can't remember even WHAT i was fighting,)


    I think that's the fight with Lynx. Main bad guy, but not the last boss. Come to think of it, there's been a lot of games like that.

  7. http://blogcritics.org/archives/2006/01/18/083418.php


    this is the thing, i agree with most of what he's saying... but the problem is, it's not just a black thing.


    for some reason, people who are pigeonholed like finding a scape goat for everything.

    and i honestly believe, it's a form of brainwashing in a way.... " think you're the victim, and blame someone else, because you can't do anything on your own."


    Yep, they even have a name for it. Isn't it called the self-fulfilling prophecy? :-)


    Well, yeah but it's not even that. It's that the writer is so egocentric that the show's not even funny. Not unlike the comic strip.


    edit: whoop, sorry. Though you were talking about Boondocks.

  8. The second incident, a shooting two years ago, is almost too painful to comprehend. On September 2002, a mother of five in Baltimore who took on a personal crusade to fight drug dealers had her house firebombed by those same drug dealers, killing her and her children. Later that week, Jesse Jackson and various black leaders had press conferences, not about the brutal murder that happened, but about their protest of the movie Barbershop.


    where's the outrage? :P


    btw, anyone here see the latest Boondocks ep? the one with the fictional story about Martin Luther King Jr. being alive in this time?


    Yeah I did, it was weak, self-indulgent sh!t like the rest of the series. Last one I watch.

  9. Don't you guys know what a flocking defensive weapon is?


    Sure they do. Take a look at the Australians. It'll be said that they were smart enough to buy American weapons. Can't go wrong there. I also can't help but find it somewhat bewildering that the destroyers they bought, the absolute low end of the Union's active naval power, are going to be the the most powerful ships of the Royal Australian Navy. But those F-35s are top notch. Overall a good buy 'cause they'll be set for the next 20-30 years.


    So you see, once they're operational, our allies won't be able to buy these blasters fast enough, nor will they take a breath before their tirade on what ignorant, demonic imperialists we are. But we'll sweep it off, 'cause they're cute and we still love 'em.


    You're right. We should kill them. But we won't, because the damn ass protestors would have to grab sticks, run outside whilst shoving them up their asses, and stand on street corners like prostitutes.


    I forgot, Bush is really out to conquer the world, I mean, he's only INVADED two countries out of how many now? You're all right, war is wrong. We never should have disposed of Hitler, and nuclear technology never really did anything other than create a massive social disaster.


    Technology is the future; embrace it you pussies.


    Easy now.

  10. Don't you guys know what a flocking defensive weapon is?


    Sure they do. Take a look at the Australians. It'll be said that they were smart enough to buy American weapons. Can't go wrong there. I also can't help but find it somewhat bewildering that the destroyers they bought, the absolute low end of the Union's active naval power, are going to be the the most powerful ships of the Royal Australian Navy. But those F-35s are top notch. Overall a good buy 'cause they'll be set for the next 20-30 years.


    So you see, once they're operational, our allies won't be able to buy these blasters fast enough, nor will they take a breath before their tirade on what ignorant, demonic imperialists we are. But we'll sweep it off, 'cause they're cute and we still love 'em.

  11. I didn't consider them flaws at all.  There were plenty of radars and ways to see your enemies without actually running up to them.  It added to the challenge... and console games are dumbed down enough these days.
    I have to agree. MGS3 is set in the 60s after all, so no "hi-tech" gadgets like in the past games.



    Yeah you can keep saying that, but the facts are that MGS3 used the same effective gameplay as MGS2, which was built aroud the idea that you could see where others were AND where they were looking. Realism is all good but it comes second to gameplay and I think they could have kept it intact without this kind of careless design.

  12. Pfft, MGS3 had the best story of the 3 and the best gameplay...  If it had been a bit more challenging, it would have been my favorite.


    By the way, with all this talk of MGS3 I'll remind you it was made in 2004.


    And it probably would have been the best of the series if it were not for the glaring flaw of altering the rader without adjusting the camera. The challenge was fine if you ask me but the actual balance was shot right out of the gate. But I understand they're going to change that whole dynamic for Subsistance.

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