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Posts posted by prnzokoshiro

  1. I've played through the first on DC and both the DC euro and Xbox version of part 2, and everytime I almost had tears, but... Yu will probably scrap the series because it's too high-budget and not nearly profitable enough. The care and attention to detail and the unique, disciplined, beautiful nature and story of this series will go to waste...

  2. I've found that slowing down the input actually helps a lot... no need to hit down twice fast, just slow down the motions... which is a difficult adjustment, especially for seasoned arcade veterans.. kof2001 actually seems like the most unforgiving w/ motions...


    somebody said they had trouble w/ double hcf/hcb motions? that's funny, that's my weak spot on a gamepad normally (less so w/ joystick), I can pull double 360's easier than those, but yet on a keyboard, it's much easier, I take 3 fingers and just tap it out 2x...


    but yeah, slowing it down and doing it to a more relaxed rhythm can allow moves to come out easier w/ keyboard, keyboard allows for VERY fast input as compared to normal... sometimes too fast for the game.

  3. If there was any good emu, I would offer up my collection (as ISO data)... I have nearly every rare, good, and notable Saturn game in existence, but my Guardian Heroes is broken and my Nocturne in the Moonlight no longer works either... so is there a way to get ISOs for a non-mod Saturn that has an import/RAM cart?

  4. here are some RBFF2 cheats if you still need them (kawaks/nebula), compiled from a couple sources (changing the value of the 1st number down 1 should allow them to work in MAME):



    Name=Infinite Time Limit






    Name=P1 Health Gauge







    Name=P2 Health Gauge







    Name=P1 Power Gauge



    2=H Power,1004BD,1E

    3=S Power(Normal),1004BD,3C

    4=S Power(Infinite),1004BD,3C,1004BE,80




    Name=P2 Power Gauge



    2=H Power,1005BD,1E

    3=S Power(Nomal),1005BD,3C

    4=S Power(Infinite),1005BD,3C,1005BE,80




    Name=P1 Character





    4=MAI SHIRANUI,107BA4,04,100410,04

    5=GEESE HOWARD,107BA4,05,100410,05

    6=SOKAKU MOCHIZUKI,107BA4,06,100410,06

    7=BOB WILSON,107BA4,07,100410,07

    8=HON FU,107BA4,08,100410,08

    9=BLUE MARY,107BA4,09,100410,09

    10=FRANCO BASH,107BA4,0A,100410,0A

    11=RYUJI YAMAZAKI,107BA4,0B,100410,0B

    12=JIN CHONSHU,107BA4,0C,100410,0C

    13=JIN CHONREI,107BA4,0D,100410,0D

    14=DUCK KING,107BA4,0E,100410,0E

    15=KIM KAPHWAN,107BA4,0F,100410,0F

    16=BILLY KANE,107BA4,10,100410,10

    17=CHENG SINZAN,107BA4,11,100410,11

    18=TUNG FU RUE,107BA4,12,100410,12

    19=LAURENCE BLOOD,107BA4,13,100410,13

    20=WOLFGANG KRAUSER,107BA4,14,100410,14







    Name=P2 Character





    4=MAI SHIRANUI,107BA6,04,100510,04

    5=GEESE HOWARD,107BA6,05,100510,05

    6=SOKAKU MOCHIZUKI,107BA6,06,100510,06

    7=BOB WILSON,107BA6,07,100510,07

    8=HON FU,107BA6,08,100510,08

    9=BLUE MARY,107BA6,09,100510,09

    10=FRANCO BASH,107BA6,0A,100510,0A

    11=RYUJI YAMAZAKI,107BA6,0B,100510,0B

    12=JIN CHONSHU,107BA6,0C,100510,0C

    13=JIN CHONREI,107BA6,0D,100510,0D

    14=DUCK KING,107BA6,0E,100510,0E

    15=KIM KAPHWAN,107BA6,0F,100510,0F

    16=BILLY KANE,107BA6,10,100510,10

    17=CHENG SINZAN,107BA6,11,100510,11

    18=TUNG FU RUE,107BA6,12,100510,12

    19=LAURENCE BLOOD,107BA6,13,100510,13

    20=WOLFGANG KRAUSER,107BA6,14,100510,14







    Name=Action Speed Up








    Name=No Hit Stop








    Name=P1 Bonus Stage Flag





    Name=Always have Easy Supers





    Name=Motion blur for PL1





    Name=Motion blur for PL2



  5. Abubo Rao --> A human-monkey hybrid. Indeed, he's hard...He always likes to counter my moves, but fall rather easily to Tag Team Supers. DOES NOT compare to the cheapness of Johann. Christ.... 


    so they changed a vowel in his name and crossbred him w/ a monkey, who's mentally ill and has hot chicks beside him?? maybe I should change a vowel in my name...

  6. the characters looked really stupid, the controls have crappy responsiveness, bad graphics, bad sound quality, etc.


    well, the characters looking stupid is something I can agree with, sure, but there's that whole "so bad it's good" type thing as far as I'm concerned, and plus back then they seemed pretty cool... and Ryoko was hot, her and Mai were like err.. something to think about back then..


    the controls are fine, they've never been unresponsiveness in any world heroes game... they're more responsive and reliable when pulling off moves than CvS or some of the recent KOFs! the fighting engine is hilariously bad though, but World Heroes 2 Jet tightened it up a little though the balance and ridiculous damage ratios made that one broken too, but I think World Heroes Perfect got that part (mostly) right, I'm just sayin... everyone should go back and approach that one with a move list and an open mind again..


    the graphics weren't bad, the backgrounds were great! c'mon, look at Fuuma or J. Carn's level! well, World Heroes Perfect's backgrounds weren't as good as 2 or Jet's, but they were still.. well, 2 and Jet had good backgrounds.


    bad sound quality? maybe bad music, but that's a matter of taste... some of the tracks are annoying, but some are great, and if they went to a game that was actually respected then they would actually... I like the sound effects too, though they seem to have had the same ones since 2.. eh whatever, just don't think it had a lot of potential and wasn't as bad as it's made out to be.

  7. How so? The graphics were totally different, the game mechanics were totally different. I mean, if you mean tag team, then that's not really test run ideas.


    well, I've barely played it, but I didn't mean they were *original* ideas, it just seemed that there was way too much in common w/ the more recent KOFs in the design of Matrimelee and RotD... I mean, RotD only had Billy & Jimmy in common from Double Dragon at all.. at least SF III and Garou had references or successors to classic characters (and if not the original supporting cast from the original MVS fighting game sans the crappy 16-bit Double Dragon V, then how bout the original arcade games..)


    and as far as Matrimelee, yeah you have the only original fighting character design from Power Instinct, the old Japanese demon-lady (even though that's a cliche in anime convention), and you have like 3 different alternates of her.. but I mean, look at the super motions, those are trademark KOF/old Fatal Fury-old AOF... the feel is similar, and I know it has a couple things that are unique to it, but.. well, maybe I should go back and play this one seriously and learn it, but those are my impressions.

  8. heh... you're probably forgetting a lot of crappy fighting series that make world heroes look like garou:motw in comparison, but why all the hate? is it because it doesn't take itself so seriously?


    remember, at that time, fighting games were not even close to being so combo-heavy/rushdown/kara throw, so because the fighters were goofy and tongue-in-cheek it's crap?

    the fighting engine in part 1 & 2 are completely broken but 2 had good ideas, Jet tightened things a bit but wasn't out of the woods yet and plus was almost as unbalanced as MvC2, but WHP is flush and tight, if you don't mind a fighter that relies more on strategy and zoning than all of what we've been spoiled with since... it still holds up and is responsive and reasonably thought-out.


    what happened to ADK anyway, were they just acquired into SNK or shot out of a cannon or what..

  9. hey, anybody go back to play World Heroes Perfect, and notice how solid it is (engine, balance sorta, move lists), especially compared to its predecessors?? It's almost competitive!!


    And the characters have always had a charm... and the ideas and implementation of them were kinda groundbreaking for their time (all of em)!


    a "perfect" world heroes would've had death matches, though..



    oh yeah, how ya doin - this is my first post, so if anyone has newbie advice besides trying to raise unpopular games from the dead, BeMyGuest :P

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