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Posts posted by freak

  1. Neoraine 1.2.9, aka "really starting ssrpg translation"...


    Thanks to Deuce for releasing this video, it was enough to get me started on the real work to make this translation possible with neoraine.


    So this version is almost all about the translation functions. It comes with a new translation pack (ssrpg_eng_0.2) that you'll find on the neoraine page, and which translates almost everything which can be seen on the video. If you tried the previous pack, notice that you need to update the ipl.txt file of the game again, as explained on the neoraine page. I'll post something on the forum to explain in more detail how these translation function works, so that anyone who can read the japenese texts of the game can help to finish this translation.


    Except that it fixes lots of bugs in the debuger, changes a few things to the gui, and remove some debuging stuff which got by mistake in the previous version, so I updated the raine binary and the source package too.


    Source: RAINE


    >> Get it here

  2. 19 December 2009 - ROMBuild v2.14


    Changes related to MAME v0.133:

    Updated a few existing definitions to account for MAME ROM renames.

    Added some additional ROMs for minasan and hachamf.


    Changes related to MAME v0.134:

    Updated a existing definitions to account for MAME ROM renames.

    Added tROMbone v0.11


    Changes related to MAME v0.135:

    Updated a few existing definitions to account for MAME ROM renames.

    Added some additional ROMs for androdun and shogwarr.


    source: logiqx


    >> Get it here

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