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Posts posted by gino

  1. 50 to 60 MHz higher then it's normal stock is theoritically still good on stock cooling. BTW Celerons aren't overclockable anymore since 1998.

    My Celeron 700 mhz is overclocked to 1 ghz using the stock cooling fan and Asus mobo (it was designed to overclock through the bios) and I'm pretty sure its like 2 years old at most.


    A lot of reviews out there claim that the LG DVD burner is the best so far but its only of what i read...


    ---- to random guy


    As for the specs, everything looks good, but I would consider you invest in the SATA HDDs they have out now, faster and the tech is newer and the price is very minimal. soon the ATA are going to be out dated or already are.


    Sidenote: I bought an 80G WD and it makes this funny *clunk* sound everytime i shut it down completely and it powers back up and I tend to try out a Maxtor for my next HDD.


    My friends have told me that Maxtor is the top HDD brand out there and since WD was bought out or WD has maxtor parts... something on the lines of that...


    Gino :lol:

  2. Just like LordKanti mentioned we all play for fun... It's harsh when you have to pay to play but sometimes there are alternatives...


    I've already payed Gravity enough money (and they screwed me over a few times, rollbacks, deleting items, etc) so I decided to play on private servers which at times are free and recently I read that as long as the servers are contained to a smal community they're legal. (only hear say, don't quote me on this)


    gino :lol:

  3. Episode 3 has already been released as of Apr. 21., check the above BitTorrent link, should be there


    I really like how they take you through those adventures, everything in reference to the episodes make so much sense ifr you have actually played the game before hand.


    gino :D

  4. Well if you haven't all tried Ragnarok Online yet perhaps you might enjoy it through their Anime series...


    BitTorrent Link


    If you're not native speaking I believe its Korean, download the Sub'd versions by Shinsen & Ragnamart.


    P.S. These episodes were made pretty nicely for those that have never played the game before. Its as if they take you through a Novice Adventure or the beginning stages of the game. Note that the Anime references everything in the game that is possible, items, spells, monsters etc.




    gino ;)

  5. awesome stuff, I was going crazy for a little while too.


    I couldn't figure out what was making my kawaks not show up the game list as it used to work when I first got it aswell. Then I realized that I reinstalled my OS and patched it with all those updates and at that point the loader file stopped working.


    Only problem I'm facing now is the games don't seem to be reading the p roms properly. I've tried all compatibility modes, switched up the p roms and still nothing but anyhow, I'm closer to getting my kawaks up and running again...




    gino :blink:

  6. Ragnarok is a really addictive game.


    I started playing it back in the Alpha days when there was no skills, maybe like 4 classes i remember if not less and the main city used to be Morroc b/c of the pyramids and osiris MVPing


    I quit about 6 months ago, I paid for 4 months in total and was left with a level 90 battle priest, level 60 blacksmith and level 55 wizard (tons of other throwaway charc in the process too) :lol:


    I've played on some really good private servers, thats what got me out of the pay to play deal, but they kept getting shut down, oh well...


    These days, Ragnarok isnt as fun as it used to be, honestly the pay to play server does rock only b/c there are so many people to interact with vs Private servers but its just too expensive for my blood.


    I'm still waiting to try out Final Fantasy XII Online


    gino :lol:

  7. Hello all,


    I've been recently following this forum and found a lot a great information and sites and I haven't had to much to contribute.


    I hope this post is a stepping stone for me...


    I found this site way back when and funny b/c its everything K'dash is looking for i hope. I'm not affiliated with this website just found it one day while surfing the net.


    This andy has some great ideas, enjoy!


    Andy Knosp's MAME Cabinet


    Gino :blink:

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