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Posts posted by Maggot

  1. So back in November I built my first computer and got it running. Im using an Insignia 26" LCD HD TV as a monitor. For my graphics card I am using an 8600GT, and a DVI to HDMI cord to connect the two.


    Two weeks ago I lost display, screen went blank, but the comp was still on. After a little messing around I got it to work again using a VGA cable and adapter on the DVI end. Some games aren't displayed right, and it just doesn't look the same to me. Under "Device Manager" is has a "?Other Devices" branch that leads to "?PCI Device" which I'm assuming is referring to my graphics card. I also seem to have misplaced the box and everything that came with the graphics card. I've gone to nVidias website and DL'd the latest drivers, but nothing changed.


    I'm Still contemplating taking it somewhere and paying someone else to fix it but if its something small I can do on my own then I would rather save myself the coin. If you need more info on my specs let me know.

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