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Posts posted by smokeyfingaz

  1. Hi all,


    There seems to be a problem with the MEGAUPLOAD release, the fourth link reports an error while downloading:


    "Unexpected end of archive" the error is on the fourth link down that ends with "WKI"


    The error occurs about 1sec into the download.


    I have checked this repeatedly last night and the problem persists, also when I checked this morning before work.


    All the other links seem to be fine tho :D


    Try using a different browser to download. I tested it with Chromium and Opera, both fine. Unexpected end of archive error while downloading? Surely this error only comes when you try to extract the archive, not download it?


    Great advice! I tried again after work same problem, got that sinking feeling again!


    Tried internet explorer - fine!





    or just disconnect and reconnect your internet - new ip address means you can start dl again...

  2. not sure if i missed sth in the settings but...


    if i unfavourite a favourite - it still stays favourite


    so clicking white on a favourite leaves it yellow instead of changing back to white.

  3. smokeyfingaz

    I will add this tonight..... for D pad not to sure about triggers what do you think


    whatever is easier, i think d-pad would make more sense to prevent over-scrolling with the trigers (loop-scroll)

  4. I am still downloading the thing and --- CoinOPS uses a FREE PLAY setting by default?

    I can't believe... I really really really prefer to INSERT the coins on the old traditional way.

    I never play a game without MORE THAN 3 coins.

    It is the LAW in my life.



    its not in all games but i have noticed it in a few streetfighter variants

  5. also - how do i access the normal test menu (original) - some you need to access to add button cheats (sfa3). is it possible to ff emulation?


    is there a way to disable all free play settings that are already enabled, not really a fan - preferingy to add credits myself- thnx

  6. hi just a quick note - good work on coinops, thnx a bunch






    marvel super heroes vs street fighter (mvs)


    l-trigger opens up the testscreen & r-stick press inserts coin




    also perhaps you could change all sf setups to


    lp - a

    mp - b

    hp - l-trig


    lk - x

    mk - y

    hk - r-trig





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