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Posts posted by shine

  1. Hi,


    I've just download dswifi to do some attempts on ds coding.

    I first downloaded the examples and worked perfectly on my AP, wifi_lib_test.nds works great and I think everything is ok (both on emulators and real hardware).

    Then I tried to compile the file for myself; after very little and non important tweak, it compiles with no errors but when running on both DS or emulators, it never gets out of this loop:


    while(Wifi_CheckInit()==0) { // wait for arm7 to be initted successfully
    		while(VCOUNT>192); // wait for vblank


    I've tried compiling both wifi_lib_test and wifi_example1, but I get the same problem on both samples.

    As the examples are from version 0.3a but devKitPro installed 0.3.4, maybe there is any internal function that is different and doesn't work the same way?

    To reduce the scope, I also replaced libraries 0.3.4 to 0.3a, but the problem still was present. So maybe is a problem with the current libnds/devkitpro libraries?

    Any hint?


    Thanks in advance and congrats for this great library



    I've also downloaded PAlib and test if it works there, but I got the same problem:

    it hangs in PA_ConnectWifiWFC. Looking at source code I see it's the same code as above, so it seems Wifi_CheckInit is always returning 0.

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