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Posts posted by eledu81

  1. I have a problem connecting with dswifilib. I downloaded version 0.3a and tried the wifi_lib_test app, but it will not connect to the access point. It stops at ASSOCSATUS_SEARCHING. I tried using WFC settings and manually. Wardriving will not see any access points either, even though I know there are a few in radio range. Packet capture does not capture anything. The wifi_example program cannot connect, either.


    I have tried other homebrew too. DSMail does not work, but strangely DSOrganize can connect. I'm not sure what the difference is, since it uses dswifilib as well.


    Official games can connect and use wifi without a problem. I am using a DS Lite (in the US, if there are different regions) with a EZ Flash 4 Lite.


    I have tried compiling my own copy of dswifilib and testing apps. The wifi_example app does not work (will not connect; same as provided binary), and the wifi_lib_test app will not compile (missing ascii_bin.h).


    Any thoughts?


    I have the same problem using M3 minsd on DS clasic, the strange thing is that I was able to connect but only a few times... this is not a router problem because my original mariokart can connect without problems to my router.


    I was trying to use beup but the problem happens, after adding another accesspoint to WFC, beup ran with no problems but after reset the same problem happens and adding more accesspoints did not help. After that, I tried deleting the WFC data in firmware (using MarioKart orginal) then I tried beup and it works again.. but after two resets the problem happens again.. since that I cant connect to my router. I've got the same problem with the two examples in wifilib, so I think it is a bug in the lib.


    I was trying to do some debug and I found that in someway the lib doesn't initializate correctly... for example: when I call Wifi_GetData(WIFIGETDATA_NUMWFCAPS,...) returns the correct number of APs in WFC but Wifi_GetNumAP() returns zero and thats why the lib keeps in searching state... I will try to do more research and post it if i found something

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