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500+ Arcade Games Added & 250+ New Emoticons!

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After sorting each and every game to it's correct category and installing every one of them, I am exasperated from the non-stop work on our Arcade Module. We even upgraded it as well to the latest version which took an eternity as you may have noticed. We have now added over 500+ games!! With a grand total of around 550+ games. The biggest on any emulation site on the net and most other gaming sites! This is a remarkable step to the future of 1Emulation.


Be sure to expect more and more games added. Hopefully we'll reach the 1,000th game mark which I'll be waiting for! We have also added over 250+ emoticons, we have over 400+ emoticons to express yourself. Again, we beat the record and we had to add each emoticon one by one with Invision Board. :spamspam:


Enjoy these new updates and there is more to come. :gangabanga:


PS: I'd also like to thank LordKanti for his help on categorizing the arcade games and everyone else who participated in the testing for most of the new games.


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good job gamecop you da man

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WOW 500+ u just've had a lot of free time so u should go to sleep after all these hard work o and thx

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After sorting each and every game to it's correct category and installing every one of them, I am exasperated from the non-stop work on our Arcade Module.

Exasperated, good word! :gangabanga:


And also, good work! You now have more games then I can count on my hands. :spamspam:

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What is the meaning of that word then? Ah well, look for dictionary from the web..........


Ah ha! Gotcha!

Exasperated :

greatly annoyed; out of patience; "had an exasperated look on his face"; "felt exasperated beyond endurance" 

Pretty much free time than usual, GameCop. Hope that you wish be fulfilled though. Great job. :gangabanga:

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Great job Gamecop!


Everyone be sure to rank the games after you play them so we know which ones are worth playing!


So are we going to have Yeti game tournements? I saw the tournement thing, interested to see how that works. Though I guess we just need to play all the games before we get to that feature :gangabanga:

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