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The Big ass Street Fighter IV thread


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how come we can't just have tiered brackets? I remember having a tournament mode in Street Fighter on the Snes for chistsakes. every damn fighting game should have one.

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Have a game with BK this morning.


he solved his connection problem so no more lag. I got thrashed badly with everything he used :( He is good with Honda, Bison and even Ryu. heck, smart fighter, i would say :P


Also, the new patch seems to cause the saving time to be longer. Does it happens to you guys too?

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people on diff forums say dey fighting alotta giefs, wish i could fin dem.

Or at least good ones. I dont pick him cuz he's on my tag and they usally pick a shoto guessin i would pick him.

but yea, im finding da exp im looking for in champ mode.

Waitin on BK to show his face again...

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I was smashing with Blanka all day. I feel bad about all the rainbow rolls and electric spam...... almost.


I still haven't figured out how to hit anything with his ultra.


I also perfected a flow chart ken with nothing but Akuma's standing roundhouse. that was fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

anyone still playing? I got smashed by BK 10-zip this afternoon. lag wasn't really an issue Cali to Australia.

I felt sluggish all day, like my hands and brain were connected by 56k or something, lol.

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Haven't gotten any new codes in a while (hint, hint). But arcade wise, nothings changed other than Game Sharks trying to pick fights with me, and losing vs my Chun.

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lol, i just realized i havent touched this game in about 2 weeks


I traded my copy in last week. Game is an unbalanced p.o.s. not fit for competitive play. Its even more so online, I doubt any of the issues were even playtested with a laggy connection by capcom. At first I held onto the game with the naive idea that Capcom might patch the gameplay, but then obviously I remembered the grand old history of title updates Capcom is famous for with the sf series (sfiv second round I guess).

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