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I Might isolate some of the younger members with this thread but


My favorite DOS games would include


DOOM 2 (coop with brothers)

Heretic (coop with brothers)

Hexen (coop with brothers)

Commander Keen (1 and Keen dreams)


Hugo and House of horrors Series


Jazz Jackrabbit


Crystal Caves (Just episode One)

Krypton Egg

Halloween Harry

Rise of the Triad


Terminal Velocity

Zone 66

Captain Comic



Probably missed alot. My bro was good at:


Metal and Lace


I haven't played DOS games much since my win95 pc carked it.


But I used to play a lot of the 3D games, such as



Spear of Destiny

Doom 1 & 2 (with the various add-on levels you can download)





And the earlier ones like Commander Keen, Jazz Jackrabbit,

and every Apogee-type game I could get my hands on.


Because I am a big cheat, God Mode was always turned on.


Games made by Windmill.


I also have a few thousand other DOS games in my collection.


All those old Apogee games, I spent so much time on just the demos


Then theres all the classic stuff you guys already mentioned. I miss DOS.


I have a DOS version of Metal Gear Solid :P

Duke Nukem 2

Jazz Jackrabbit

Doom 2

Wolfenstien 3d

Super Gizmoz and Gadgets

Dino Park Tycoon


Since the question was actually "favorite" and not "favorites", my favorite dos game is Masters of Magic, hands down. It remains one of the best games I've ever played and I feel it has a lot of potential for a sequel or remake. The Heroes of Might and Magic series is similar, but doesn't quite reach Masters of Magic in terms of quality. God, I want to go play it now.


Duke Nukum's and Commander Keen games.Also a few finnish gems called Death Rally, Wings, Molez and Threat.


Jazz Jackrabbit

Commander Keen 1




Oregon Trail

Epic Pinball


After my Acer with Windows 95 crashed for the last time, I was sooo heartbroken. :thumbsd: Then I got into emulation...

Since the question was actually "favorite" and not "favorites", my favorite dos game is Masters of Magic, hands down. It remains one of the best games I've ever played and I feel it has a lot of potential for a sequel or remake. The Heroes of Might and Magic series is similar, but doesn't quite reach Masters of Magic in terms of quality. God, I want to go play it now.


God I forgot about that game. That was one awesome game and it took a long time just to beat. I was always scared and went underground though.


This is too tough a question to even consider answering. <_< So I'll just say all the games listed so far.

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