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Posts posted by ritzi

  1. saw the movie constantine yesterday. it was good! got awesome special effects (liked the way they depicted hell) and got interesting storyline..


    it's a story about a battle between heaven and hell and the earth in the middle with constantine on it.


    if you're into religious/sci-fi/conspiracy movies, this is for you!


    i'd rate it about 8/10..





  2. yeah, girls usually go for the simple "Hi"..


    other than:


    "Do you know what'd look good on you? Me. "


    "I'm bigger and better than the Titanic... only 200 woman went down on the Titanic"


    "I'm good at math, U+I=69"


    "I'm trying to determine after years of therapy and lots of testing, whether or not I'm allergic to sex."


    "If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together."


    "If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put you between F and CK"


    "Is it that cold out or are you just smuggling tic-tac's."


    "Please help the homeless. Take me home with you..."


    "Wanna come and see my Hard Drive? Babe, I promise you it ain't 3.5 inches and it sure ain't floppy."


    "What's a nice girl like you doing with a face like that?"


    "Will you be my Xmas cracker? I'd really like to pull you."


    "Would you like to come to a party in my toolshed?"


    "You are a 9.999. Well, you'd be a perfect 10 if you were with me."


    "You're good at mathematics, right? Would you say 69 was a perfect square?"


    "Your Daddy must have been a Baker, cos you got the nicest set of buns I've ever saw."




    this is just humor pick up lines... =P

  3. We all know that downloading ROMS is illegal unless you have the board or the cartridge.


    Well, this is what I heard from a friend.. "Some Government Agents are posing as a gamer in forums.. and they try to ask some rom dumps..."


    Our gov't here in the Philippines is really pushing hard for Anti-Piracy Laws.. and that includes roms..



    tsk... tsk... tsk..

  4. Sorry, My fault, That was for MVS only.


    MVS => svchaosa.zip (which I don't have. about 50mb or something)

    PCB => svcchaos.zip (which I have. about 102mb)


    I tried the PCB version.. and EUREKA!!


    here it is...




    thanks to all... for the help.. now i can sleep! (maybe not. I still have to play this game!)


    thanks especially to James for his Clone MAME!





  5. With Kawaks loader, you have to have the DAT specific to your rom set for it to work. Open your Kawaks folder and you'll see ASR.DAT, that's the file you have to edit. Use this program to make your own DAT: http://up2.fastuploads.com/romdatamaker.zip


    In one of the steps it's going to let you choose which ROMs you want in the DAT so make sure you choose M1D, V1D, and V2D. Also, change the System:Neo to System:NEO.




    is there any help file on how to use this romdatamaker? i seem to have a problem using this program.. tsk.. tsk.. tsk..



  6. so there's no difference between the "encrypted" version and the "decrypted" version? don't know how to deal with this but i'm not going to stop trying because the game is just AWESOME! haven't tried the Clone MAME emu by James. maybe i'll try it now..





    can anybody of you recommend any good Arcade Joystick Device? is there any? i'm trying emulate the game to the "full extent"....




    thanks a lot!



  7. I have a clone kawaks that works with svc, it's called SiTWulfLoader, don't look on google cuz you won't find it, I could send it to you if you PM me, but unfourtanatly this only works with like 1 or 2 versions of SVC, if this doesnt work with at least one of the games then I can't help out more.



    Ahh.. that's the Loader I Got.. hmm.. Maybe I should get the DAT editor then.. but, If I have the encrypted rom, How do I DECRYPT it? to make it playable?



  8. Hi !


    I really need help on SNK vs Capcom. I spent hours reading and searching for similar problems in the forum but failed. This is what i got.


    svcchaos.zip (102mb)

    svcplus.zip (3.3mb)

    svcsplusf.zip (3.6mb)

    svcsplus.zip (3.6mb)


    i also have


    Nebula 2.24

    Winkawaks 1.48

    NeoRagex 0.6b

    NeoMAME32 Plus! 0.90


    Please help me. I desperately need your guidance.



    Here is the screenshot of CRCs in my svcchaos.zip


    As you can see, RomCenter does not recognize the svcchaos.zip


    what do i do? thanks in advance!



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