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Posts posted by BuckBuk

  1. So im new here. I have been trying to find coin ops ignite.

    I also have some questions.

    1. How easy is it to set up?

    2. Does it run on a live disk?

    3. Whats the best way of obtaining it?

    4. Is there a shell program free of roms?


    The reason im asking this is because i can find the source code. I dont know what to do with it.

    Is it hard to find because of copy right infringements. If so is a shell program such as mame illegal too?

    I tried to get the torrent and it keeps freezing up, 1 seeder, and erroring constanly. I know im gonna get a lot of d!c%heads

    telling me things in binary language and and calling me stupid for not understanding. Im just a old game enthusiast and im curious

    thats all. Thank you much in advance......



    Basically in the same boat, will pke around a bit to find a few suitable places to post, if someone would do me the same favor it would be much apreciated.

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