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Posts posted by Hera

  1. Agozer! I didn't know that you are Finnish :P


    Millainen sää? Sinun pitäisi lähettää kuvia teidän kotimaa!


    (hope that's right)

    It says so next to the From line in my mini profile. :)


    That was pretty good actually, although not quite perfect. It's like 99% correct.


    Correct: "Millainen sää siellä on? Sinun piäisi lähettää kuvia [teidän] kotimaastanne!"


    (Note: "Teidän" can be omitted because the inflection used in "Kotimaa" takes care of it. though it's not wrong to use "teidän". Also, "Millainen sää?" means "What kind of weather?" so you need to expand the question a little by actually asking "Millainen sää siellä on?" - "How's the weather over there?". "Sää" can also be replaced with "ilma", literally meaning "air")



    Ahhh ok. Yeah, I'm not great. I'm better at Swedish heh. But I'll notate that for future reference.

  2. Ali Larter pisses me off. But those were good photos of her.


    I adore Monroe. She wasn't a total slut. Just a hopeless romantic actually.


    Oh and Cominus, I wouldn't necessarily say that bigger women have larger vaginas. I would say they're a bit thicker and I would think that's more preferable instead of banging bones. But I'm not a guy so I dunno. Just something I've heard from other guys.

  3. I wouldn't say that. I'm not fond of Fox but I'm not going to refuse to like anything they're affiliated with. That would be dumb. I just don't like those two movies and that's because I'm not really into those kinds of films. Not that big on romance and stuff.


    I like musicals though.

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